Best Markdown Editor

About This Project

Best Markdown Editor is a website I built recently to help me write, edit, and export all of my markdown files. I created this because I felt a need to consolidate and simplify my markdown workflow. I began writing all of my blogs and markdown files in VS Code then I paste them in I would write in VS Code first because I need a markdown file that I can add to my Next.js blog, then I would paste it in Dev's editor, and (since it's a website), I would get Grammarly to proofread my blog for me. I would make the Grammarly edits and then paste those changes back into my markdown file so everything would be uniform.

Thus, I built an editor that severed as a "markdown hub" where I could store, edit, and keep track of all of my markdown files. I can export data as .md files to my filesystem, upload images to the cloud and use the file name and URL to create image tags in markdown.

I have a YouTube video where I go over the website as well.

My Contribution

I built the whole project by myself so far. However, it's an open-source project, and I welcome any contributions or potential collaborations.

You can check out the GitHub org here. I have issues opened, and project boards set up. If you see anything you think you can help with, don't be afraid to reach out. My contact info is at the bottom of my homepage. If you see anything that needs improving on, I also welcome you to open any of your issues.

Projects Impact

This web app has already helped me a ton when it comes to keeping track of my markdown files in one place. With the feature to export data as markdown files to my filesystem, I can drop new blogs to my blog with ease. Not to mention the cloud storage file uploaded image tags make putting images in my files a breeze. But being able to have a PWA installed on my computer that feels like a desktop app with Grammarly installed is probably my favorite part.

What I Learned

I set up cloud storage and image uploads and file exports for the first time. So that was a blast. I tend to find I love doing stuff with the filesystem module that comes with JavaScript.

Another first for me was using Knex with TypeScript. I previously learned TypeORM and TypeGraphQL for my TypeScript GQL API. Both of those libraries work well with GQL in TypeScript, and I think I will continue to use that as my "default stack" for my back end projects.