Check out some of my recent blogs!

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Best Markdown Editor

Best Markdown Editor is a website I built recently to help me write, edit, and export all of my markdown files. I created this because I felt a need to consolidate and simplify my markdown workflow.
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Deploy With Heroku Pipeline

Heroku is an amazing hosting platform for any project. Today, I spun up a create Next app to show you how easy it is to set up a Heroku pipeline connected to a GitHub repository and have your project, front or back end, deployed in minutes with a wonderful staging environment set up.
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Getting Started With TypeScript

TypeScript has a huge ecosystem and you can do pretty much anything with it. Create back end APIs, use it in your Vue or React projects and so much more. Learn the basics to start working with TypeScript today!
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Postgres Setup On Windows

In this tutorial we will go over installing PostgreSQL on a Windows 10 machine, install pgAdmin4, as well as set up our path variable for postgres so we can access postgres from our terminal.
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Knex - Graphql Back End

Learn the basics of building an express API with GraphQL, Postgres, and knex today!
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ESLint And Prettier

Setting up linters and code formatters is vital to group projects and solo projects alike. This guide aims to help you easily set these things up in your project.
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Bash Script Tool Kit

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a reference (or tool kit) of different bash commands, that you can use as you start creating new bash scripts, and to help open the door of endless possibilities of productivity the world of bash scripts has to offer.
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Write A Bash Script 101

If you have been creating/changing directories left and right, touching new files, slinging out some basic git commands, opening your favorite code editor from the terminal, running servers and you're ready to take things to the next level, this blog is for you my friend!
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Customize CRA

Are you tired of deleting the same things and adding the same extra packages to create-react-app just to get up and running? Well, friend, you're in luck! Let's learn how to make our own version of CRA!
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Firebase Hosting 101

Firebase is an incredible platform to connect any iOS, android and/or web app too. By connecting your project to Google's Firebase you will have access to their cloud storage, cloud firestore and real-time database, authentication, analytics and much more.